we committed to openness, transparency, accoun tability. this second of the hearings follow through on the commitment. said it is hard to believe it is just 120 days ago the bill was signed into law. and i have to give great credit to the federal highway administration into my department of transportation overall and today's hearing is only on the dot portions of the recovery act provisions. we will have another hearing after the july recess on the waste water treatment, infrastructure portions and other the gsa, coast guard and others will report to us in that second hearing. now there is a report in the newspaper, several reports actually, that misstates or misunderstand the way the federal programs work. there is a commentary states "have received only 1,302,000,000 of the stimulus packages, a 27.5 million in road construction funding" end quote. now that is accurate but does not accurately state the issue progress states have been reimbursed for $1,302,000,000 this did this program works just like their regular federal aid highway progr