dozen charges....after being accuseedof everal burglariee in baltimore and harford month... detectiveessay 35-year-ood joel knauer bboke into homes... stealing money and about 200 pieces of jewelry and other items.police arrested him yysterdayyin miidde river. he is now facing first degree bbrglary aad and theft charges. a year-long iivestigation ends with federal agents... raiding 10 nternet cafes in altimore couuty for illlgal ggmiig machines.deeectives say they wwuld go into the cafee and themselves to see if they give do.. ii's illegal.. because pay gaming taxes. aalorr don't - "3 'clock in the morning, i gamble a little bit, i hope my wife doesn't see it, why would someone put up a place like ttis withhot a license, show a license for that purpose" pprpose" the internet cafes were stripped of their gaming could be filed later... once --3 theer investtgation is complete. ittttrns out the contaminated drug at the center of a nationwide meningitis outbreak.... as used by ass many as 89 maryland healthcare . facilities.more than 300 people havv been sickeeed .... and 24 hav