there is a plan, acdc, for the sea level rise, it is happening everywhere in the bay. and other than san francisco, people didn't build dense development on their water. alamada, marin, maybe a couple, but the areas. but. the bulk of their development is not on the water front. i look there, i don't see one person that lives anywhere near fill, i know where every one of you live. the planning department staff they may have some people that live on the fill, over near the fill and they are directly affected by it. but, i really don't know. i know that people died on the fill in (inaudible). the sexy press coverage was done of the marina because they were upper market class people, south of market people died too, and there was no coverage. (inaudible) it was not even a footnote that there were deaths in the south of market. and they were on fill, you have (inaudible) a lot of designs on for expanded development. where is the discussion? i think that john ebelin was absolutely right in what he asked for, i am uping the anty, i want to have a real discussion on the policy