you as decisionmakers at a quick, accurate information on which to base a development agreement -- acequate, accurate information. and the project approvals for this project. experts city staff also lacked the needed staff, and i am sorry to say the neutrality they should have in this project. putting new as the decisionmakers between iraq and a hard place. -- a arock and a hard place. i urge you to demand what you need and do not yet certified the eir. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i'm a lifelong union member. i am very pro union. with the cpmc and sutter is how they are using the union as a bargaining chip. that is totally wrong and they are playing of union people against other union people, etc. we are the small players. cmpc and sutter are the big players. they think they are above the government. there are many dangers to us in san francisco. i will not go over all of them because it will take forever. plus, a number of them have been brought up before. the height limits and increasing the zoning. 100 feet. it is terrible. cathedral hill was too big to begin with, the hote