acheson would to truman and told him that, and they then decided that acheson in his next press conferencehe gave weekly press conferences, would mention the stalin answers were very interesting. that was the open part. behind the scenes part was that our delegation to the u.n. would ask their delegation, malik, was the omission of currency reform deliberate, and two weeks later mallach came back and said yes, it was. then the question was, at the next question was, is your leader open to solving this problem at this time? in the answer came back two weeks later, yes. it was a tremendous embarrassment. they knew they had lost once the winner was over. general winter had defeated napoleon. general winter had defeated hitler and he assumed general hitler-- general winter would defeat the air live and when it didn't he knew the game was up. >> he played a role in keeping the dialogue open. >> yes, yes. it was one of the real drawings. >> i think we have time for one more. >> i have a related question. can you speak to the prime minister britain and the political situation in britain and how t