guest: i have this to say about achmed -- the man was a liar, a cheat, and a sea of, and you cannot believenything he said. host: would you say the same about saddam hussein? guest: no, to be honest, i think saddam was a more reputable person. there were times when he lied and cheated and times when he stole, but you seem to me to be a more honorable person. host: when he came into leadership, didn't he have 19 people assassinated, pulled them out of the room -- ? guest: in 1979, yeah. he had brutal methods. 'm not saying i approve of those methods, but to be honest with you, saddam was in a period of constituting his rule. it was around the time he became both president and head of the command council. congress is all about making sure everybody knows he is in charge. host: go back to ahmed chalabi. guest: if there is one person responsible for the overthrow of saddam hussein, it would be chalabi. i remember when i came into the agency, going to a conference in new york of all these iraqi opposition figures, and there he was, and everybody knew he was a lying sleaze ball, but verybody knew