before you can open in the financial district, they would kill you on the 10th ada grimsson. -- they would kill you on the ada bathrooms. it is just insane. no brick-and-mortar estrada is going to say the food truck can use my bathroom. what bathrooms are they going to use? i would like to know. they are want to give the permit and dpw will not be able to enforce this. they need to or three agents or policemen on each of these trucks to really enforce this 100-page regulation. there is no way in the world they can do it. this is just crazy. the stakeholders are not informed. the property holders did not get anything. the businesses did not get anything. the stake holders were not at the table. just like boma and the guy from the golden gate restaurant association did not pay any attention and the guy who approved it from there has been fired. he did not represent the golden gate resign -- the golden gate restaurant association. the guy who signed it is out. this is a kool-aid job that was not thought out. there are many districts that could use a food truck. this is not the place for