she walks 20 miles down to the town of adair, which is on the st.iver, i believe, and she has this marvelous tale of her living through it. she outlives everyone. every major player in this drama, big and small, and in her 90s, some wonderful person, i don't know who, i forget, from the idaho historical society goes and sits down with pinky adair in her nursing home and sits for two days with her and she tells these marvelous stories. it was the greatest time in my life. although she said later she could never eat a potato afterward because she'd cooked so many potatoes. i found this pinky adair oral history sort of, you know -- it hadn't been in any of the big burn stories. and it was just one of the things going from town to town looking for things. that's the great thing when you do what you do. occasionally you find these bits of gold. so that's how the research is done. and i always look for -- i did this with the dust bowl book, too. i look for, you know -- there's two ways to look at history. there's the great man theory where history is look