joins us is adam aron, the president and ceo of amc entertainment. >> nice to be with you, of courseis this a if you can't beat them join them kind of thing >> you know, we've had one of these programs in place for three years in the united kingdom and germany. it's been very successful for us there. we've been looking at this for about two years. we did think now is the time to launch just prior to the summer movie season in july and august. so here we are >> adam, there's ban lot of talk about media consolidation at the moment in particular, of course, for fox assets should some companies like yourselves be included in that consolidation? >> well, let's see for giving what people are paying for fox, we look pretty cheap by compare ston. -- comparison. but right now we're focused on running movie theaters in the movie business as an independent stand alone company. >> adam, a couple of features here the analysts like about this they say people can see the same movie multiple times, no waiting period you don't need the debit card. you can buy ahead of time. do you think you could out