eventually, the riots died down and order was restored, and adam badoe left the city safely to join the of general ulysses s. grant for whom he would work for the rest of the war, and would be standing at grant's side when he surrendered. badoe late in life marveled that he had spent the period of the draft riots being protected from a mob by john wilkes booth. he wrote that he was amazed that in all the exciting period of the riot, the future assassin of president lincoln said no word that indicated sympathy with the south. but in private, john had been furious at the role edwin forced him to play during the riots. to his sister john confessed, imagine me helping that wounded soldier with my rebel sinews. in 1864 when edwin was performing for lincoln at the national theater, john wilkes was snowbound on the high plains of kansas where he had gone to act in town hall theaters. he was trapped by blizzards. he earned very little money, and frustrated after seven years of hardship onstage, john decided to try something new. oil. it had been discovered in western pennsylvania at the beginni