our reporter, adam cherry is there. good evening to you, adam. what are we missing? good evening. michelle. yeah, the protest is ongoing. it started at about 530. we're standing outside the us embassy here in central london. we just heard from labour mp john mcdonnell, who attacked president trump for his treatment of volodymyr zelenskyy in that now infamous white house clash a couple of days ago, saying that that was disgraceful, calling for the total withdrawal of russian troops. there are lots of people here with signs saying stop trump, cancel the state visit. chants of russia is a terrorist state. still, speech is ongoing at the moment behind me, including from some ukrainian people. echoing a similar sentiment. it's pretty contained, it's pretty civil, but people are very angry about the treatment of ukraine and particularly, of course, of zelenskyy, president zelenskyy himself. and as i say, that's ongoing as we speak right now. >> interesting stuff. well, you will remain there, stay across it and we'll cross back to you if anything changes where you are. it's