and neither is adam clayton powell. and there are standards to which you must be held and against which you must be judged. white, black, brown, yellow, there are standards, and you have to rice to those standards, meet them or exceed them. but if -- but you don't have separate standards for this kind of behavior. i don't like the idea that people would conclude that marion berry reflects the values, hopes and aspirations of the african-american community of this city. we are far too diversified a population to say anything like that or to suggest anything like that. there are things that are right and wrong, good and bad, and we ought to hold ourselves to those. >> we didn't talk much about harry thomas, who was a member of the council and what happened to him. >> he was a champion of young people, youth. he oversaw the recreation department as a member of the council. he came from a family of civic leaders. s father was a member of the council. owe took his fare's seat. his more was a very good ferble -- mother was a