adam cohen yesterday on this program. his response to some of those eu charges. >> look at all the tremendous innovations and evolution we've seen in the search industry over the past few years. we can't stand still. we face enormous competitive pressure and we're going to respond to ha in the marketplace. >> something, you said it yourself yesterday. they're going to microsoft this company. >> and they're not even following the pace of technology change. just this morning microsoft has announced it will bundle its apps with be a android mod, forking off from google android which has a tremendous amount of venture financing behind it. so pointless. >> we have to wait ten more weeks before we get any more clarity. >> correct, she said she's very open. the words she used was for real i'm open to hearing google's case, i'm open to a settlement and i'm also open to fines, which you know european regulators have the authority to fine as much as 10% of google's annualized revenues. a big deal for investors. so leaving the door