the story of adam gadahn. new york city, good morning to michael. independent. caller: donald trump was on larry king's show. he said to larry king, he said the 9/11 hijackers -- 16 had saudi passports out of 19. that is how they got on the plane because it is a favorable administration to the saudis. he said saudi arabia ran the entire thing. they should have this trial in federal court in new york city where the murders occurred, and cross-examination by top lawyers rather than a military court which is a high-speed court. we had taps of the saudi embassy -- let us have the taps from the saudi -- at&t brought into the court room and find out of the prince will the rest of the people from saudi arabia knew about this attack. host: do you find yourself in a minority in new york calling for them to be tried in the city? caller: no, i think it is a campaign. people wanted to know the truth about 9/11. and it is not conspiracy, it is just they want the truth. if you run it into a military court, it is going to be quick. so, people really in new york city and brough