michael: like almost everyone in this business, adam gilmour has grand ambitions. on the fastest-growing area of one of the world's fastest-growing industries. adam: when are you gonna start putting low-grade hydrogen peroxide to it? adam: the biggest thing that's been changing is miniaturization technologies has been shrinking satellites and what that's done is make it incredibly cheap to build a satellite and to launch a satellite, and that's why our rockets are good because our rockets can take up very small satellites. michael: australia has a long connection to space missions. tidbinbilla is just a small part of nasa's global space infrastructure. everything from the pictures of armstrong's first steps on the moon to communications with deep space probes and rovers on mars have passed through here. brad: the nasa deep space tracking station in tidbinbilla is, you know, just outside canberra. it's essentially the ears of space, and if we don't have that capability, we can't get the data back from mars, we can't communicate with spacecraft, and the second problem