[laughter] last but not least, adam liptak who took over the "new york times" supreme court beat two years ago. he graduated from yale. he was on the "times" in-house legal department, telling them what they couldn't do. a decade later he became a lawyer covering legal issues, and supreme court nominations. his work has also appeared in other publications. looking at sunday's "new york times," this ad announcing his new book, "to have and to hold." i plan to ask him all about it. >> available for preorder on amazon and itunes. >> one more preliminary note, there should be an evaluation form on your table. i do not see them. maybe someone from the bar can distribute them during the program. we would appreciate if you fill them out and leave them on your way out. i'm going to sit down and join the panelists. let's start talking about last week at the court. the court saved all four of its biggest headline cases for the last week of the term. how did last week compare to last year when the affordable care act came down? was it just as crazy? tony, would you like to start? >> i do not th