an easier version was invented in 1981 by adam osbron, an englishman who lived in the usa at that timee to a marketing mistake, the company announced sales of the next laptop model. because of this, people didn’t buy the first option; they were waiting for a new product. so the company went bankrupt literally within a year, so the name of the creator is not heard, but it is well known in the business. circles, there are even the term “osborne effect”, which describes the situation of the ruin of a company at the very peak of its development. and a year later, in 1982 , at the request of nasa, william maulkrich creates the first laptop, most reminiscent of the current laptop. this device was used only by astronauts. it never went on sale for free. and until the end of the eighties of the last century , laptops remain. rather expensive exoticism, but already in the nineties, gradually a variety of companies came to the format that we are all familiar with, the form of a book. weigh the laptop became no more than 5 kg, the memory capabilities are much more serious than those of the first