adam peer already existed, so we used him again. and then we started looking for things. data that was too perfect... before we knew it, adam peer had become something bigger than either of us. why didn't you say something when dr. granger was killed? watson: because it would have meant undoing all the good that adam peer had done. if it came out that you were an exec at a big drug company, it would've looked like any rival study you'd debunked was motivated by greed. barry and i talked about coming forward after he was accused of fraud. he refused, even to clear his own name. he knew that eventually his work would defend itself. so when he died, i... i did what i thought he would have wanted. which was nothing. can you account for your whereabouts wednesday morning about 6:00 a.m.? uh, i was just coming off of a red-eye from san francisco with about a half-dozen of my colleagues. their numbers are in my phone; they'll confirm it. you're gonna tell them, aren't you? you're gonna tell everyone the device that dr. granger was testing