] next week, join us for more nba specials and at at the regular time with artie lange, chef adam perry lang to get down to business, time to play the game where we find out how much the players really know about each other. the teammating game. [ cheers and applause ] oh, well, well. hello there, fellas. here we go. let's meet the teammates from the phoenix suns, grant hill and am'e stoudemire here. representing the denver nuggets, dahntay jones and chris birdman anderson. pleasure to have you here, fellas. we put each of the teammates in a sound proof booth and we had them aner a series of questions about the teammate and now we'll see how much they actually know about each other. are you ready? each correct answer is worth five points. we'll begin with chris. chris, we asked dahntay to name your most embarrassing moment on the court. what did he say was your most embarrassing moment? >> um, we were in practice one day, and he kept on antagonizing me that he wanted to come into the paint and try to dunk on me. well, he got that opportunity and he grabbed my jersey and he dunked on me and e