why reed hastings may not see his money on deal like this one. adam: still time to get in.cheer for drinking too much? how about don't drink? tweet us and we'll share the remedies from the audience and talk to a bartender about her expert advice. lori: we expect everyone to lush these days. adam: on new year's eve. ♪ tracy: 90 minutes left. the last trading day of 2013. showing you our heat chart. interesting banks and financials among the top performers. goldman, morgan, all leading man in next. johnson and johnson, procter and gamble, some of the medical companies are on the downside. let's go back to lauren simonetti, twitter practice has been a very active stock. you can see, the stock is up four and a half%. twitter down 17 and a half, with the turnout, which in for a man monday. still 90 minutes left. that's higher than the 30 day average. zeno, on friday with said huge volume. air waiting for their first report as a public company sometimes in january of want to see have this lack is during to make money. tracy: twitter and facebook among the most actives. ashley: be