i thank you for your consideration and i'm happy, along with my colleague adam stern to address any questions the committee may have. >> thank you. and just to clarify, this also would not require any additional hires, correct? >> correct. no additional hires. >> thank you. so, why don't we open this item for public comment since there is no report on this item. are there members of the public who wish to speak on item number 3? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a motion to send this item forward with recommendations. >> so moved. >> we'll do that without objection. item 4. >> item number 4, resolution authorizing the department of emergency management to retroactively accept and expend a fy 2012 homeland security grant program grant in the amount of $667,670 from the united states department of homeland security, through the california emergency management agency, for building and sustaining preparedness capabilities for the period of october 12, 2012, through may 31, 2014. >> thank you. for this item we have [speaker not understood]. >> good morning, supervisors, [speaker not u