are here to basically answer questions that we have and also from the planning department we have adam vara and lily langlos to answer questions but right now i want to go ahead and ask the public to come forward. i will call up your name. several people have submitted cards and you have two minutes to make your public comments at this point. [calling speaker names] come on up. roger. >> thank you supervisor. i am roger ritter. i'm a 60 year resident of district 7, and i'm current president of the balboa terrace home association, vice president of the west of twin peaks central council. my particular concern is traffic safety on westportal where my wife and i walk everyday and westportal and 14th avenue which currently has stop signs but no traffic lights. that has become an increasingly dangerous intersection and left turns and u turns and cars essentially forcing pedestrians to play russian roulette but cars may stop at the signs. pedestrians stop and it's unclear who has the right of way. if the pedestrian is in cross walk and cars move forward and we also have a problem with cars with u