on some levels we are very constrained by brown act rules and other things go as commissioner adams pointsed out we often have to have one ops meeting with people unless it is a formally called meeting, which is actually what occurs with our citizen advisory committee meetings. and it has occurred, so often, and are open to the public. but i think figuring out ways that we can expand our out reach and is significant in that will definitely be happening and also, you know, in terms of how we increase our out reach and we have more in the social media and the technology here and i know that renee martin who is the director of communications has been looking at efforts and at least, in the big and on how to engage others in the community, and how to use the social media for more out reach and to expand that list of people that we reach out to make sure that it goes city wide and we have come up with the ways and i know that she will be presenting this to us soon i am sure as to how we increase our out reach and get people engaged and it is how we have been focused on. and we are on the same pag