embassy in ankara, the capital of turkey will be closed, and the consulate general in istanbul, in adana and ismir on the coast are also going to shut as well. there will be no services for american citizens at those facilities for the foreseeable future, they've been suspended, also visa services obviously for turkish citizens, american visa services for turkish citizens that all has been put on hold. it's not clear how long this threat is active for, but this is coming to effect very quickly, very immediately. i have to say this isn't the first time we have seen these threats against americans in turkey. over the past decade or so i would say there's been at least two occasions on my recollection where, again, the embassy and the consulate generals have been shut down because of credible threats. the turkish authorities work very closely with u.s. authorities in turkey, there is generally speaking certainly with these sorts of scenarios a good sharing of information about current threats, one conditioning about the attack within the past couple of years on the istanbul airport, a major