nurses in adc hospital association could not disagree more on what has become a divisive issue.nurses arguing the mandate would protect patients, saying they are stretched too thin, having to pay for increasingly -- having to pay attention to increasingly numerous patients. hospital officials say the bill would require a ratio when flexibility is needed, depending on what emergencies the status facing. in a statement, the president of dcha said -- >> proper care is not being done. the nurse generally goes without a meal break. half the time without a bathroom break, trying to meet the needs of their patient. jeanette: council members will decide if they want to vote on the bill, and that it will be voted on by the health committee. jummy: an incredible journey home for a maryland native and it all started with this. at 6:20 a.m., terry and two other astronauts undocked from the international space station. three and half hours later, they landed in kazakhstan. this is their first time setting foot on earth in 199 days. next month, a new team will head up to the iss to work with