addi obama care to it made it even worse. you cannot get around that. it will be a measure of the seriousness of the people we just sent to washington whether or not they will address that. people like paul ryan who are willing to address it in stark realistic terms. people were willing to talk about what you actually need to do to restructure the system, otherwise it will -- go to for the list -- but otherwise it will eat up trillions and trillions of dollars. everyone knows that. that was not sort of wisdom i got off the internet. every single person in this town knows that precisely. whether they're willing to do something about it or not will be a function of people holding them accountable. >> there was a debate as they drafted their pledge to americans about what to include about entitlement spending. it did not end up being in. my guess is you will not see any serious action on entitlement reform. >> we have timeor one last question, and we will go to the very back. >> a question about 2012, the presidential candidates. will the gop