here's some social media questions fill addison o. for since you were green arrow in smallville have you brushed up you on your archery skills in recent years not in recent years but when i was on the show. they were very good about getting me lessons and you know the proper sort of technique and all that stuff and i got pretty. pretty good at it for a while there green i was a great comic yeah not gina davis good but i was good. soil for one what do you think of all those t.v. reboot and would you consider being part of a smallville reboot who. kind of two separate questions that you know some of them work and some of them it's like you know leave well enough alone smallville reboot maybe like a reunion i'd be into that they may be where they are now kind of thing terry al kooper why did you leave the young and the restless well terry. i you know what i read this is us i read the script and i just sort of spoke to me and these things come along in life where you just you have to make the leap and i just thought man i have to do every