what we're looking at is what does that mean if that occurs how will we adapt our urban areas to adeal with this? at the present time we have something in excess of 80,000 properties at immediate risk from flooding within urban areas in the uk. the annual damage cost at the moment is something like $270 million pounds. that's about $500 million per annum, and the annual cost of flood mitigation is on the order of $320 million pounds. that's a huge sum of money that's already invested in flood protection work in the uk. when we look at the impact of climate change and particularly the effects on the sort of storm events that leads to flooding in urban areas and, indeed, in rural areas as well, we are looking in the uk at something up to around 40 percent increase in rainfall intensity. and when we model that effect on our urban drainage systems on our river channels, we see that that will lead to something understandablely of the order of 40 percent increase in the flows in those drainage systems. but because those drainage systems are already nearing capacity, that has a disproportiona