who is adele cohen? the coalition endorsed adele cohen. she agrees with the dinkins/jackson agenda.debt that we'll have to pay for. this is anthony weiner, this is what he did to get his first job in politics. i think the margin was 195 votes in that race. interestingly, after that race, as soon as it was over, he wrote a handwritten note to adele cohen that we got this week. we put that up on the screen. this is amaying. i'll talk about it in a minute. he said dear adele. although the final numbers are still inconclusive. one thing is sure i'm sorry for my actions in the final days of the campaign. the mailing i did was wrong headed and the manner was plain dumb. i recorrect the harm it did. my inexperience and feverish tempo is explanation but not excuse. i made a mistake but i have to live with it. i hope you do as well. i hope in time you have the opportunity to redeem myself to you and others rightly angry with me. sincere sincerely, anthony weiner. p.s. i will be calling next week to speak to you in person. we put a call out to adele cohen. she's still around. she said did you