. -- adha. those are regular -- adhd.hey're regulated by the fda and the dea because they are controlled substances. the d.a. set quotas on production. when we get into shortages, the fda is tasked with something to look at and figure out whether there are ways to reduce said that it the shortages. interestingly, we had reports of counterfeit drugs for adhd. that is another risk we get into a shortage situation. those are not coming to people through their regular pharmacies. they were being sold on the internet. it illustrates another risk of drug shortages. host: wisconsin. independent l allen ine. allen, independent line. guest: i am sorry for the person has to be on national tv to tell us that every nine years, overseas, plants are being inspected for drugs. that is appalling. you ought to be embarrassed. add the gellar legislators and the fda -- i think the legislators and the fda rejects something should be done. i would like to know how you feel about that. guest: i think you are absolutely right. it has been a num