website and we won man but for what i just have a former horizon lawyer adji by throw it all away i'm done you can't be done that's exactly what they want they want your frustration to turn into apathy well i'm sorry to say it's working i'll be back on board when we have a paradigm shift. which is oh i have i have to say what it is ok. i thought i could just say paradigm shift and everyone would start cheering again i realize the paradigms yeah raw was was yes yes yes i don't know anything alright alright that neutrality can only really be protected by a revolution in who owns the infrastructure and networks we have to end our dependence on big telecom but now please and build the centralized affordable locally owned internet infrastructure i'm talking about municipal broadband good voice. but sadly the major i ask fees are suppressing it to cities currently pushing for municipal broadband or seattle in fort collins colorado and they deal with all sorts of dirty tricks from companies like comcast who want to maintain their monopoly over the well what are you kidding me i mean that's t