that is an inch adjuration, but there is some truth to that. -- that is an exaggeration. colleges not necessary for everyone, but for most people that want a greater sense of the world around them and the ability to deal with business, engineering, those kinds of things, you really do have to come to college. for others, we need to find ways to put them in a system where their lack of interest or presentation. >> names something smu does that other places do not do. something special. the college that i went to, perdue, everyone that those of their -- purdue, they have to take a speech course. is there something that kids who come here have to do that is unique to smu? >> i do not know of any particular course requirement. we have some differences and provide the opportunities for students to get a unique experience. we have some fairly unique programs. we have won the masters programs in digital game development in the country, and one of the first. in that community, and means a lot. within our undergraduate programs, research opportunities that kids did not have as und