but for the mont, ryan has some adjustingo do.e really big and fluf, i'm not used to that. >> reporter: but as everyone knows, it isn't always straightfoard. >> since this morning i started getting stressed out abo a few things which is kind of strange to me because, you kw. >> rorter: stressed out out what? i don't know. it's a whole different life. it's a whole lot to get ed to. you got to figure ouyour way arou this world. because i know what to do in prison. i know where to be a when to do thing out here it's a complely different environment. and got to find my way essentially. reporter: one more ing to . as he launched his brand new life. visit the andparents in florida he feared he'd never see again. >> this is so range. >> reporr: and so we arranged this. >> oh, my god. >> how's it going? i love you. >> i love you, man, how you been? >>'m fine. >> oh, good. hug mom. >>t's been a long time, hasn't it >> too lg. >> let me look at you. >> reporter: and then this morninthe sun rose over th sea. anryan ferguson breathed in the o