the adl put out a statement back in 2020 condemning him back then. so how is this person who would say that black people need to know their place in society and intellectual of any kind? it's bizarre. >> yeah. i don't i'm like the congresswoman. i don't have any familiarity with him. however, what i would say is, based on what you read tonight, um, one of the things about the trump coalition is that it is seeking to stop dividing americans by race and start uniting americans by our unique american values. some of these things, i think, are divisive by race, which is something we criticize democrats for trying to divide us by race. this idea of competent white men, the message is we want the best, competent people. period. and this idea of kneeling before a political entity, the only person you should kneel before is god. and so i just i think i think some of these people are provocateurs, and i think they say things for their own personal reasons. i think if you're trump, the question is, is my movement about a continuation of division along racial l