his vice president was a guy named adlai stevenson whose grandfather was a future presidential candidate. stevenson was from illinois and was in favor of using gold and silver as currency. and he had been add today the ticket at the convention in 1892 to give some balance was the democrats needed to win some southern states. so you had this unusual situation where the president and the vice president are on exact opposite sides of the most contentious issue of the day. and cleveland was adamant that stevenson not know what was going on with his health. stevenson was at the world's fair in 1893 and had heard rumors about cleveland's health and immediately headed east to visit him, and cleveland intercepted him with a telegram and said i'd like you to go on a little political trip to seattle in 1893 which involved stagecoaches, trains, ferries, boats, all sorts of things. so that put stephenson out of action for a considerable time. congress at the time, the democrats, i believe, controlled both houses for the first two years of his second term, but the panic had gotten so bad by 1894 that