you bring up a very, very interesting point, because world-wide admonitio is being considered. it has it's basis in admonitio training. we will upgrade the certificates all pilots have to have. we are at least here in the united states going to see something that you could probably look at and say is counter to the admonitio but we also have an opportunity here.@c we have an opportunity to communicate right now to a new generation of pilots that there's going to be a different approach to becoming an airline pilot here in the united states. you may find that now people that are really committed to going into this industry will have to be drawn to formal programs where there is the appropriate balance of flight experience, structured training to achieve the standards thatyf basically the house has given us. i don't want to say that admonitio can never work here under that legatory structure, but we're going to have to adopt to new changes that will come into effect in the next three years. we're going to have to have real smart people in the aviation business take a look at the