shown that three impornt thing in any drug effect would be the drug self, the setting in which it's admtered, and your beliefs about how the drug will affect you. wh they're testi a new dg,ey alo and your beliefs about how the drug will affect you. to tes for these belief factors. th alcohol, if people think it wilmake them relaxed, it does ev when the'nolcohol. the bar lais to shake people about this. one young man, after we told him no alcohol, he was feeng pretty loaded, he said, "do you thinki'm doing" no alcohol, he put himself in the setting, thought he was having a real drink. he created the elements that accompany the drug experience. for cocaine, as with alcohol, relapse is a problem. aftercare essential. .after this more intensive phase of treatment, the person has some sort of maintenance care-- involvement in perhaps lf-help groups again or support groups or individual therapy that would go on for a month-- from anywhere from six mths to two years. so that phase can really go indefinitely. the idea there is to maintain the person's gains, recognizing this rehabilitation phase rea