he was taken in by this individual, a man named adnan al-qadhi. a long time he was a military officer. at a certain point, the u.s. felt this individual had become a leader in al qaeda, one of the imminent threats. allies in yemen, without the knowledge of the united states apparently, convinced this little boy to plant a tracking chip on adnan al-qadhi. he was then killed the day after president obama won reelection last fall. he was targeted and killed by drone strike. the story goes on and gets even worse because this little boy and his biological father who helped convince him to plant the chip on his surrogate father were then kidnapped by al qaeda. we believe his biological father was later executed. so this is the situation where the eight-year-old boy both lost his surrogate father and his biological father. it is tragic and heartbreaking. >> and there is a jihadist video were both the father and the boy are confessing to what they had done? >> yes. there is a confession video that came out in april in which al qaeda put together -- it is a