when adolf eichmann went on trial, he said i was just doing my job.one reporter at that trial called that the banality of evil. neuroscientist david eagle studies this phenomenon. you say reasonable people in a situation may become cruel. >> this sort of thing happens all the time where people will turn on their unarmed and defenseless neighbors and murder them, and so this led scholars to figure out is there something wrong with millions of people's brains in terms of disposition or situational forces lead people to do these things. john: what they concluded is the power of the situation and other people was very powerful. one fun example of it is you see this card here with this line on it. how long is the line? which one of these three is it the same length as. tell us what happened, david? >> an experiment by solomon ash after the holocaust. he wanted to figure out how people are influenced in opinions by other people. the other people in the room with you were all shills, and say the answer the nonequivalent was the answer. most people will chang