c adot gov and a website and contact information and our email that you may email or contact us directly. we do want to pause. we notice that in our introductions and recognitions commissioner dolim wanted to mention a couple of recognitions and we want to make sure we do that. >> thank you angela. i am afraid in handling the papers and thanking the members of the check let list sub-committee and i will omitted a name and edia o'neal and i failed to into that in the meeting and i know she may not be on the phone or here and i deeply apologize because -- and i am being prompted that -- nia mar vely was on the list but i may have skipped over her as well at the building standards commission so my deep and sincere apologies. at the end wrapping up my part and representing the california commission on disability access. we are a small commission -- please, it sounds like a big name but we need feedback. we need participants. we welcome each one of you to get on the phone during the meetings or drop us a note but we would love participation from people on the phone, people in person, or getti