months in secret talks with top officials including that it's where he lives defense minister mr adreno lopez i mean did those talks really take place yes i can confirm that you have a president and as we have said before there are other talks this is not this is only the tip of the iceberg as we have mentioned before international pressure and the message pressure is working it is creating the conditions for more and more defections and more fractures and that is why the pressure will continue if the u.s. is the united states is it taking part in these talks as well. this is the venice one led movement by the venice own people and for the venezuelan people it's the same reason that january twenty third when president oath to office we had the support of more than twenty countries that day obviously the us supported us but now we have more than fifty six countries so everything we're doing is event but definitely supported by the international community what about the speculation that the opposition may have been tricked by mr adreno and others close to me. into thinking that a deal was