. >> this is a social experiment put together by adrian drieth. >> excuse me, i thought you were reallye. have i have your number? thank you. have a good day. >> he gets rejected over and over again. >> that's a hard way to go about it, randomly walking up to strangers you don't know. that's hard for anybody to do. >> i agree. >> no matter what you look like. >> what happens when you fill in that gap? they are filling in the thinning hair. now he looks like he has a whole ton of hair. does his look change? >> i love your style. >> thank you. >> he's actually connecting with these girls and seemingly getting their number. >> but is it the hair or is it that his confidence has increased? because his swag did change. >> or they could have taken the rejections and put them in the front and taken the positive reactions -- >> says the man with a big head of hair. >> coming from the lady with the thick head of hair. >> hey, i got my swag at a ten. >> cheers. >> i think confidence has a lot to do with it. >> yeah. >> this guy's look definitely seems to have changed. in fact, this girl has agree