with me is adrian evans. wonderful title of being the pageant master, the man who organized all of this. it's an interesting idea, an ambitious idea of having this kind of water tribute. >> of course, it has been done before. the thames used to be used as the grand arena for royal and civic events. but the really big one was 350 years ago. in a way, i'm trying to emulate that. but 350 years ago, the thames was almost double the width it is today. back then, they only had road boats. i have to contend with road and motorized of all shapes and sizes. >> there's 1,000 in all? how is this flotilla going to work? >> so it travels west to east. it travels over about 12 miles of the river thames. it's the opportunity for well over a million people to watch on the river banks and the bridges. the pageant itself is broken down into sections, different sorts of boats in each section, and between each of the sections, there's music. there are 10 music barges right at the front, right at the back, the london philharmonic