and adrian krishna reports from cape town in south africa, where it's hope that trials for new preventative methods will drive numbers down once a month since their medical penguin comes to this health center to get a package of prep, a daily pill of the pre exposure prophylaxis, protects people from getting h i v when having sex or my family to listen to generation it's, they do have the age of a positive. so i came here to take breath because i wanna, i don't want to be that puddle function. that is hugely plaza to the health center of the desmond to to health foundation doubles up as a research site for many years. residence in the massive familiarly township have been participating in clinical trials 18 year old marvel bengal ana is also considering taking part in a clinical trial for prevention auctions and injection instead of a daily pill. recently we had the breakthrough of that day per injectable, that only had to be given every 2 months. that cavity, grover, long acting injectable. and at the moment in this very vicinity, we are testing a 6 monthly prophylactic injectable, known a