trouble because he was in effect bragging about his his exploits with the sort of turncoat hacker adrian lamo. but other people that are involved in activism are completely quiet. about it and and in many cases we don't even know who's doing the operation i mean people take credit for the hacking operation we don't know if it's really them people deny. it in most cases i would say we basically have no idea who is behind the hacking operation and for obvious reasons i mean these things are often illegal and they're also they're often they're often being done in politically charged areas of the world in places like china and iran all over the world so people are careful and silence i think is is the exception to the rule now in your mind does hacktivism work you know is it is it a functioning form of activism or quite the opposite does it make the government then just want to clamp down even more. well it certainly makes the government want to clamp down even more you had a story earlier about how the government wants to be able to have a backdoor even into peer to peer networks and it's pretty