. >> adrian mcbride, he started this national program helping kids transition, and he dealt with companies and potential employers and student-athletes, and he ran into just that. the athletes didn't want to hear it. they wanted to stay focused. and the employers didn't understand the need and his organization fell apart after a few years. talk about this frame of mind that was brought up. it starts in mile middle schoold your identity is so tightly connected to your performance. what is it like to peel it back and transition to a life of athletics. >> to paraphrase douglas, it's hard to fix a broken man. what we really want to do is--we do take aim at trying to really help guys who are--who grew up with the nfl players association and retired soccer and helping those guys in their transition when they're 25, 30, and 35 and up. we started the athlete foundation to attack this at the grass roots. you don't even have academic advisers at the high school level. they're not engaging with them until the collegiate level. the lower we can attack this problem, the more success we're going to have