adrian mckenna, mon, is a sports psychologist. he says that needs to be more discussion around mental health in sport. this should have been going on 4050 years ago. shame is taking so long to get to this place. but regardless, it's so important if you of the average international app late. what is the biggest contribute to wherever they went? all they lose. i always say mental. i say the physical preparation is important, but largely there any maintaining the level and what really matters is how this is on the di and for days leading up to the event. and it's just so important. and yet we don't put enough effort into the training of it, but things are changing. you need to take it just as seriously as the physical training that take nature training, but tactics, training. if most international athletes will tell you that winning the guy and winning the competition is way more than 50 percent mental, then surely they should be training mentally. every single die. nice thing about mental training. you don't have to do it very long.