adrian scott fine: within a almost a blink of an eye, everything that really forms the ingredients ofity disappear. those places and spaces, i think people understand how important they actually are in our lives. and we all, i think for myself and others, just understanding the losses here, also realizing that we take heritage and these places and spaces for granted, that i'm now lamenting that i didn't visit some of these places or i didn't, fully experiencing them before they're gone. and i don't think i'm alone in terms of processing that right now. jeffrey: major losses include structures within the will rogers state historic park in pacific palisades. originally built for the fame actor and humorist, it became a beloved getaway for generations to hike, picnic, enjoy movie nights, and even polo games. adrian scott fine: this is a seminal part of the story of the palisades, a figure like will rogers, sort of this folk hero, actor, beloved figure for his time period. and this was his ranch, his house. the main barn burned and other buildings as part of that historic homestead. and t