by yours truly, adrian smalls. >> response. >> suddenly, an emergency call is issued for officers to smalls' unit. after two inmates exchanged words, one threw his food tray at the other, triggering a brawl. following jail protocol, unit officers wait for the jail special operations crew or soc, to arrive. >> when a fight breaks out we call s.o.g. the unit officer, they're supposed to step back and clear the area. get everybody back to their cells. let the two combatants continue. only time we'll step in is if one of the combatants has a huge edge and the other is in danger. >> armed with less than lethal weapons, a s.o.g. officer arrives and orders the men to stop fighting. one inmate tries to comply. the other continues to fight. so the s.o.g. officer jolts him with an electrical shot from his taser. s.o.g. officers move one of the men out of the unit. having just been released from segregation, david ratliff is now on his way back. [ bleep ] >> what happened, man? >> i beat this dude's ass on the street because he was beating on this girl at the bar. he just came over and sucker pu