joined by commissioner pollock, and i would like to thank the staff at sfgov-tv, michael, and adrian starks for recording today's meeting and do you have any announcements? cloik silence all cellphones and any documents should be submitted to the clerk. >> madam clerk, call item number 2. >> and any changes to the minutes of the may 18th meeting? seeing no changes, i will open this up for public comment. and are there any members of the public who wish to comment on item number 2? seeing none, public comment is now closed. is there a motion to approve these minutes? good. moved by commissioner pollock and seconded by commissioner ronen and without objection these minutes are approved. and madam clerk, please note that shanti singh has joined us. call item number 3. >> the community choice aggregation report and the status update on the cleanpowersf program. >> supervisor fewer: the public utilities commission. >> good morning and happy friday, commissioners. mike hines, the director of queen power s.f. for the sfpuc. and for the update today i'm going to cover a few things and provide an up